Planning a Hybrid Corporate Event in 2020

When all is said and done, what will we say changed the world of events most during the COVID pandemic?  

Will it be the funky new swag options to send virtual event attendees? The ominous cloud lingering over people expecting to join a meeting through a virtual waiting room? Or will it be the echoes of empty seats when you’re recording a broadcast from a typical stage setting?

 Each of these experiences will affect the event industry — but how virtual events rose to the challenge and intersected with live events will be the most important and transformational element from 2020. 

Hybrid Events and the Events Industry

From a recent poll, 68% of event marketers reported that a hybrid solution that can manage both virtual and in-person events would play a vital role in the 2020 and 2021 event strategies (Bizzabo, 2020). Events broadcast across both platforms will be the saving grace for the events industry and for event marketers in the coming weeks and months. 

Businesses and product marketing teams should be taking a hard look at what a hybrid event can do for them in the coming days because these events meet the needs of attendees across the board, whether planning an annual company-wide kick-off meeting or launching a new product, having both a virtual and in-person component can complement your strategic approach to event planning. 

For those who are ready to be face-to-face yet physically distant — we are ready for you! And for those who need to stay home, we understand. And we have you covered. 

What is a Hybrid Event?

You may have a million questions running through your mind at the thought of planning a hybrid event. While these events are a bit more complicated than a normal live event, the payoff is worth the investment. 

A hybrid event is simply a live event that provides virtual attendees access to a web-based platform with live streams, networking opportunities, incentives, social interaction, etc. The online experience should not be just an add-on to the planned in-person event but fully tailored with an immersive experience for the guest. The event planner should customize the online component to fit their needs and time constraints. 

People who can attend in person will be in smaller groups — but they can experience the entire production and networking opportunities. The live event may not be “better” than the online version, but it will provide the true event experience, offer different networking and interaction potential, and be more immersive.

Each group should feel they are getting the best value for their investment.

What are the benefits of a Hybrid Event?

These events are perfect for a company that has been limited by budget or resources but wants to begin expanding its reach. Due to the accessibility of the content, the virtual components give you a few benefits you might not have with a traditional in-person event.

These benefits are: 

Extended Reach. Your venue may have only been able to hold 500 people, but an online event, marketed well, can bring in thousands of attendees. You will need to budget for more marketing and plan for social media interaction, but your audience can grow numerically and become more diverse as the physical restraints are removed. 

Data for ROI. When you’re trying to bring on sponsors or prove the event’s ROI to your executives, online events bring in the potential for collecting valuable data to prove the ROI of the event. 

Extended Life of your Content. You can repackage content elements for ongoing or future use, rethink how to engage continued viewership in the coming months, and monetize access to that content.

When looking at the options for a hybrid event, remember that content is king, regardless of the platform. Your event organizers and keynote speakers must plan to engage the remote attendee as much as the in-person attendee to gain maximum benefit from the event. Hybrid events have had proven benefits for companies and organizations before 2020, and they will continue to be a winning solution in the future.

Interested in forming a hybrid event in 2021? Talk with the Iron Peacock Team today!